Abigail Brosnan Staff Writer
If I had a nickel for every time someone “borrowed” money and didn’t pay me back, I’d be set for life. Frequently, people will put you on the spot for money, even as little as a dollar, with no intention of actually paying back. The word “borrow” (verb) is defined as : to take or obtain with the promise to return the same or an equivalent. Yet, many people don’t honor the promise to return, and end up mooching off of their friends. This happens everywhere, including here on LIU Post’s campus.
Personally, when I borrow money, I make sure that I will be receiving money soon and tell my friend whom I am borrowing from when I will be able to get it back to them. When lending money, I try and remember the people who have paid me back in the past. If it’s a prior offender,
I make sure that I have their phone number in case they don’t follow through. It’s as much my fault as it is theirs if I never see that money again. It’s important to be responsible for your funds, and to know whom you can trust, and to treat all new borrowers as though they may not give it back, because you never know how people are.
Another instance is when people forget they even borrowed the money; this could get messy, especially if they claim to have paid you back. Be sure to be keen on reminding them to get you the money back as soon as possible, that way you can refer back to your reminders if they attempt to claim they had
already paid you back. Whether they are pretending, or actually believe they already paid their dues, you may never see that money again. It’s better to be annoying and repetitive about it than to be shy and allow people to steal from you.
Don’t be unnecessarily persistent, but know when you should speak up. As a borrower, ensure that your friend seems comfortable with lending. Even if they say yes, if they appear hesitant, then maybe it isn’t a good idea. Sometimes people feel uncomfortable when they’re put on the spot, but don’t nec- essarily want to contribute to your payments. It’s also important to know your boundar- ies with friends; if you’re aware you hadn’t paid a friend back, try and get to it. It’s better late than never, and chances are your friend hasn’t forgotten. You don’t want to take advantage of people, especially regarding money, because they may not want to spend time with you if they feel you’re using them.
Try to avoid having to bor- row money in the first place. If the purchase is not entirely crucial, you should put it off until you can cover it yourself. Bor- rowing will lead to the hassle and stress of having to pay your friend back in a timely fashion, and you don’t want to feel in debt with a friend. Not to mention, if they feel like you’re not going to pay them back, it could place a strain on your friendship.
Be careful with how you manage your commerce, whether lending or borrowing, because, if gone about the wrong way, you could land yourself in a tight or uncomfortable situation.
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