By Jenny Rivera Assistant News Editor
Costumes have been popular for decades within many cultures, but there is one time of the year where people have been known to go all out: Halloween. Although the holiday isn’t practiced in all cultures across the world, for observers in the United States it is a widely celebrated, unique holiday.People experience joy and fun when given the chance to dress up as characters other than themselves. But the true impact of Halloween varies from person to person. Some find freedom through self expression, whilst others see it as a time to demonstrate their artistic and creative prowess. Junior Art Major Shana Clark spoke on the holiday.
“I’ve been celebrating Halloween for as long as I can remember, and I honestly love everything about it,” she said.
Halloween is a tradition that people have grown up into but many still choose to celebrate it because they love it. For Clark and her family, they celebrate certain traditions together and others individually.
“I know this may seem cheesy to some people but every year around or on Halloween day I create some kind of artwork that’s related to Halloween, and nothing specific but it’s usually something spooky,” Clark said.
This tradition is unique for Clark because she doesn’t create this artwork at any other time of the year. One of her favorite family traditions is getting to decorate at home together.
“My family and I usually decorate the entire house within the first week of October, we actually started this week but this time around my mom just watched,” she explained
It seems the fun stuff can be tiring also. Halloween lovers who live on campus and may not be close to home, will also be joining in on the fun by decorating their dorms instead. Sophomore communications major Joan Michael is in this situation.
“So last year I was a vampire for Halloween, so I tried to make my room look foggy but creepy and it just turned into this weird, bloody scene,” Michael said.
The dorm decorations turned out to look amazing because everyone loved the scene according to how Michael laughed about it. She also said that some of her friends have been having dorm room competitions for Halloween for the past few years. This appears to be a unique tradition to add to the list for new students coming in to join in.
“I would love to go to a Halloween costume party on campus, hopefully one of the clubs can throw one,” Michael said.
Michael isn’t sure what she’ll dress up for this Halloween, but she mentioned that she’ll just put something together if she can’t find anything that she likes. Clark on the other hand is ready for the holiday. She has chosen to be a zombie this year and has bought different parts of the costume in stores and online.
Many students are looking forward to the month because of the different traditions to be involved in. Some include pumpkin carving, traveling through campus dorms and neighborhoods to enjoy the decorations, watching scary movies and of course trick or treating.
“I have a little sister who loves trick or treating, my mom told her she can choose her costume this year and she’s so excited about it,” Clark said. “Oh and one of my favorite movies is Hocus Pocus, although I wasn’t born when it even came out.” Hocus Pocus is about three witches who sing an enchanted song that would lure children to their home. It took a few brave children to save everyone.
“‘Hocus Pocus is a great movie, but my favorite is Beetle Juice because it’s my mom’s favorite movie,” Michael said. She hasn’t seen the new one yet, but she plans to.
Both Clark and Michael plan to be able to get away from all the books and make room for some fun. this Halloween season. They are hoping for a spooky looking campus this year.

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