By Alyssa Spagna, Staff Writer
As the fall 2020 semester commences, students may be wondering what they can do to keep themselves occupied, while also preventing the spread of COVID-19. There are multiple opportunities to have fun or just unwind, while being safe and socially distant.
The outdoor movies held on Riggs Lawn are a fun and safe way to relax and spend time with friends. Matthew Sporrer, a senior dual major in theatre arts and international relations, says he found out about this event from “the campus posters and the inflatable TV right outside [his] window on Riggs Lawn.”
Sporrer went to see “Knifes Out” and said that it was an enjoyable experience, and that he felt safe while attending this event.
“Public Safety was there enforcing social distancing and it was outside. People were wearing masks and only took them off to eat snacks,” he said. “Three people to a socially distant circle outside is a great way to keep us social in these socially distant times.”
If students don’t enjoy movies there are still a multitude of other things they can do on campus, such as eating socially distant at Winnick Dining Hall. Samantha “Samie” Friedman, a sophomore political science major, enjoys going to this location to spend time with her friends, and do it safely.
“I feel safe eating inside at Winnick, not so much in Hillwood.” Friedman said. “In Winnick I see maybe 15 people, at Hillwood I’d say it’s about triple that.”
Friedman suggests that students go to grab food with a friend, because sitting in a dorm room can get lonely.
“I think it’s important to see people other than your roommate, and getting food together is a great way to do that safely, she said. “The capacity at any table is two people.”
Friedman also thinks that students should just be able to do whatever they’re comfortable with, regarding dining at school.
“If people are more comfortable with taking their food to-go, they should definitely do so, but I also think that eating at Winnick is a nice social experience,” she said.
If any student is uncomfortable being in groups indoors, the Great Lawn is a great place to hang out, and get a nice view of the campus.
“I like to just sit on the Great Lawn with my friends to eat and do homework,” Ally LaMont, a sophomore musical theatre major, said. “It’s a safe way to get things done and still be social.”
LaMont encourages other students to find their favorite place outdoors to be able to safely see their friends.
“I know that some people are uncomfortable being in large groups inside. Finding a place to see each other outdoors is a great way to relieve stress and loneliness on campus.”
This is only a short list of many events, and ideas that students can participate in to feel more as if they are getting the “college experience.” More socially distant events can be found on the Promise Instagram page @postliupromise.
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