By Caleb Palmer, Staff Writer
The beginning of a new college semester always brings new changes. Over the summer, mass renovations took place all over Long Island University (LIU). These renovations completely overhauled Hillwood Commons bringing in a slick new look, a new campus store named The Marketplace, and a new dining service, Gourmet Dining. Grubhub has been one of the most noticeable changes to campus though. The delivery app is currently the main buzz around campus as any student who wants to order food at the restaurants on campus have to either order it on the app or use any of the Grubhub kiosks planted all over LIU.
Opinions on the introduction of Grubhub to student life are varied. The general consensus amongst the Freshmen is that Grubhub is good for the campus mostly due to how convenient it makes getting food throughout the day. However, that doesn’t mean that there has not been any issues using the Grubhub app.
Freshman Omar Rehman, who has not yet declared a major, shared his unfortunate experience with the app.
“When I went to order a tuna sandwich from Subway on Grubhub my order went through normally. When my order was ready and I arrived at Subway, I saw that they were out of tuna and had to order food at Yella’s instead.”
Several upperclassmen students at LIU gave their impressions of the use of Grubhub on campus. The general sentiment ranged from mixed to negative. Most students mainly highlight the fact that they can’t just walk in and order food anymore like in previous semesters. There are some students who air more on the positive side.
Senior game design major Kevin Velez discussed his positive experience with the app.
“The app helps eliminate waiting in long lines at the various food facilities on campus, especially during common hour. Being able to grab your food and go about your day once it’s ready is very convenient especially after a long day of classes” he said.

Junior sports management and finance major Dan Frankenberry also discussed his experience with Grubhub.
“Having Grubhub on campus is good in theory but it still has room to grow in a few areas. The overall experience of using the app is less convenient than how things were in previous years but I am also willing to give it a chance since this is the first year that it’s being implemented,” he said.
Though students’ experiences have varied with GrubHub, students agreed that a more ideal situation would involve a hybrid. Where students can both use Grubhub and still be able to walk in and order food.
Freshman nursing major Robin Dorce says that “ “not everyone wants to use Grubhub so having an option to walk in and order food would be accommodating for those students.”
There are still those who think that a hybrid system is not needed.
“Grubhub solves the problem of having to wait in long lines for food. The lines in Hillwood get too long and cause a lot of traffic,” Velez said.
LIU students look forward to adjusting to many of the new changes a typical semester can bring. However students may feel about it, Grubhub is here to stay.
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