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Start Your Semester Off Right

Adrianna Alvarez
Opinions Editor

Despite what your past semester was like, you should look at the spring semester like a second chance. You have time to correct the mistakes that you made, and obtain the grade point average you believe you deserve. A successful semester is all about how much of yourself you put into your schooling. You need to be organized, work hard and stay focused.

I’m sure most of you have been told before about being organized. It really is an important part of being successful. Take time out of your day to write out your schedule of classes, work, study time, and availability to hangout with friends. To eliminate panic over lost papers/homework, you should have a notebook and folder for each class and label them. Now, instead of rummaging through a pile of papers, you can go to the classes folder and pull out the paperwork that is needed. Also, think about buying a planner. This way, you can write down when things are due or what meeting you need to attend. Organization is a great way to eliminate unnecessary stress in your life.

Throughout the semester you should apply yourself just as much as you had the first two weeks. Attend classes, get to them on time, don’t leave early, sit in front, and join in on conversations. The harder you work, the more you will be rewarded. Students who participate gain more from the class, and can have a better grade. Make sure that if there are study sessions or study groups that you get involved. Not only will this help you become more knowledgeable about the subject, but it will also allow the Professor to see all of the effort you are putting in for a good grade. Don’t forget, always do extra credit, it can’t hurt.

Distractions are everywhere. It’s not easy trying to study or get some work done when your cell phone won’t stop going off or your friends are begging you to go out with them. The trick is to pick the events that you really want to attend, and go to the others another time. You need to stay focused. If you get too caught up in your social life, the chances of you falling behind on your school work become greater. You’re an adult and need to start making adult decisions, even if that means staying into study and not going out to the bar with your friends. Another good way to keep focused is to put your cell phone on silent during class and while you study. You don’t want any distractions to interrupt your focus.

As long as you apply yourself, this semester can be a promising one. Make sure you do all that you can to keep up with work. If you catch yourself falling behind, don’t just give up, push yourself a little harder. Finish as strong as you started. Good luck!

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