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Posts tagged as “public saftey”

Parking on CW Post Campus Can be a Lengthy Process

Many students are quick to blame them not being able to find a parking spot on the administration’s lack of providing parking availability. However, if we look at this situation realistically we will realize that the school, and public safety in general, don;t have much to do with it. Public Safety administrator Mrs. Nelson tells us, “Parking on C.W. Post campus is a privilege.”  Technically speaking, it is free. Unlike various other schools, the ability to park at C.W. Post is one that will not cost us anything. As we all know, what is free will not be great. Junior Andrea Deignan tells us that before coming to Post she attended George Mason University in Virginia and that there the purchase of a parking permit was mandatory. “Even though the parking lots fill up quickly here, it’s still better than paying a yearly rate.”