By Nicole Curcio
Staff Writer
The class of 2020 was introduced to its first collegiate semester on Sept. 7 with new professors, class structures, peers, and personal adjustments.

In years past, incoming students took part in an orientation cycle for two days dur- ing the summer. This year, students were able to move into their dormitory on Aug. 30, and participate in a three-day orientation from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2. Those who will not be living on campus were invited to attend orientation, as well.
Considering the unfamiliar environment that will now be home to half of nearly 550 incoming freshmen, the challenges of living on their own may bring some fears. Kaitlyn Jones, originally from Queens, NY, now living on campus, shared her fear of not passing all of her classes. As a new member of the all-season track team, her first days on campus have been dedicated to getting herself ready to begin training.
“A challenge as a new student and athlete would be having to focus 100 times more on time management between classes, a job and the sport,” Jones said.
The remaining 50 percent of freshman students that will be commuting to campus are also going to have new scheduling accommodations that will take some getting used to. Freshman dance major Johnnier Fenner will be commuting from Huntington this semester.
“My fears are not being able to make a certain class or not being able to make events with friends,” Fenner said. One of her greatest fears is missing out on opportunities and the “full college experience” that residing on campus may provide.

There are many clubs and organiza- tions for freshmen to get involved with on campus. An Involvement Fair was held in Hillwood at 12:30, on Sept. 8, to introduce new students to the clubs. 21 organizations lined up the front entrance of Hillwood, including clubs, Greek life, and athletic teams.
There are other ways to become involved on campus without joining a club right away. Students can attend as many Campus Life events as possible! Events are advertised in each academic and residential building while the concierge desk in Hillwood offers a list of events. For a weekly events list, students are emailed a day-by-day schedule of on and off campus events via their account.
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