By Pete Barell
Arts and Entertainment Editor
Dr. Michael A. Brown, Associate Curator of European Art at the San Diego Museum of Art, will be part of a free, professional panel discussion today, Feb. 11, at 5 p.m. in the Steinberg Museum of Art. Light refreshments will be served at the event, which is also viable for Honors program merit credit. All students are welcome to attend.
The event is sponsored by the School of Visual and Performing Arts at LIU Post, and is organized by Art History Professor Niria Leyva- Gutierrez and the Art and Art History club. The panel, “Tales from the Vaults: the Role of the Art Museum Curator,” will focus on the titular profession, and the experience of working within the art world.
Brown assumed his role at the San Diego Museum of Art in early 2014, and over-sees Permanent Collection Installations. The curator has a concentration in 17th and 18th century Colonial Spanish Art, having completed his doctoral dissertation at the NYU Institute of Fine Arts. The San Diego Museum of Art has a particularly diverse col-lection, including works of Spanish and Italian Masters, as well as works from Asia and the Americas.
This is not the first lecture of the sort, as the Art and Art History club regularly organizes events that involve learning about real issues and opportunities in the quest for a coveted job in the art field.
“These lectures are meant to provide art majors with the opportunity to hear first hand from professionals about their experiences in the art world,” said Stacey Zucker, a junior Digital Arts and Design major, and president of the club. Speakers in the past have included Sharon Matt Atkins, Managing Curator of Exhibitions at the Brooklyn Museum, and Sunny Shin, director of Coohaus Art in Chelsea.
The panel is not exclusive to art majors and, as always, all are welcome to learn about things unknown to them. “To a non-major, it’s still interesting to hear professionals talking about their real hands-on experiences in exciting jobs like being a museum curator or museum director,” said Zucker. “Also, our panel event will count as Honors merit credit, so for those who need study credit, whether you’re an art major or not, this would be a great event for you to attend.”
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