By Bendik Sorensen
A&E Editor
As the semester continues, artists are in and out of the SAL Gallery on campus and the Steinberg Museum does its usual change. It all feels very familiar; however, an exhibition that isn’t as known to other students on campus is the art therapy program and their show in the Sculpture Gallery up the hill, on campus. It has the potential of bringing a different variety of art, compared to pieces selected for the SAL Gallery’s inventory.
“Their background is about 50/50 in fine art and in something else,” said professor Ann Charlotte Tavolacci. “All of them have some experience with it, but to some, this is their first exhibition, and to others, this is just another one,” she said. It opens up to some new, outside the box approaches that aren’t necessarily the usual.
The students’ assignments are given by Tavolacci, but are open to interpretation. “The exhibition
is called…” Tavolacci has been giving assignments throughout the semester; students can then take a class to bring together all their favorite works, have a small critique and then decide on what’s going in it.
“So far, we have about 100 works,” she said. There are about 20 students in the exhibition, but it is to be narrowed down. “Each student will have one or two in the show, so the walls will be pretty crowded,” she said.
The theme for the show is “It’s Personal,” and the assignments have been in context with the theme. The students have also used words that their art represents for the show, and is put on the posters, promoting it.
Tavolacci mentioned that with the different backgrounds, the words they’ve used have been equally different. Words such as “anxiety, instinct, isolation, music, hope, colorful,” are featured, so expect a variety in art as well.
“It’s about the process, not the product,” Tavolacci said, emphasizing the fact that the program isn’t a pure arts program. It’s a practice what you preach-scenario for the art therapists, as they try to experience first hand what they’re going to learn later on in their studies.
“It’s Personal” opens Monday Nov. 17 through Nov.21, with an artist reception on Nov. 19 at 5 p.m. The exhibition is open to all.
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