By Danielle Sposato
Head Copyeditor
On Tuesday Oct. 27, the Honors College held its annual Halloween party, including the Department of Philosophy, and the Department of English, along with all students involved in these majors, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Dr. Joan Digby, Director of the Honors Program and Professor of English, facilitated the party, along with the help of other faculty in the Winnick House. The afternoon was meant to “bring together the three academic groups that are up on the second floor of Winnick,” Digby said.
Several professors participated in the spirit of the Halloween party, such as Dr. Glenn Magee, the Department of Philosophy Chairman and Professor of Philosophy, who decided to dress like a Viking. Digby also dressed up; she wore a fox mask.
“I wore it because I was teaching a piece about a fox hunt in my class the horse and literature,” she said. “In fact I actually planned this months ago and bought the mask knowing I could get them to read this story for this particular day for the Halloween party.” Several members of faculty participated in the festivities.
“I think it’s a great morale booster to spend time to have something to eat and drink cider together,” Digby said. It was a social gathering that allowed students to interact with their professors, where they were able to discuss more than just a class lesson. Ilana Leviton, a freshman psychology major, agreed. “It was a lot of fun. We met a lot of people, [the costumes] were hilarious.”
Leviton participated in dressing up for the party, attempting to look beatnik, a young person from the ‘50s and ‘60s belonging to the beat generation. “But I ended up wearing Whovian apparel,” she said. “It was interactive, we were on the same level when it came to anything [with professors], it was very relaxed.”
Ari Kunofsky, a sophomore childhood education major, also participated in the festivities; however, she felt that the setting didn’t matter regarding the person environment with her professors. “That’s just kind of normal to me.”
Throughout the party, students have filtered in an out of the Great Hall, due to their class schedule. The time frame made it difficult for several students to attend. Digby understood that students have their own classes to worry about, and was pleased that students still took the time out of their day to stop by.
Digby also enjoyed that students participated in some of the classic Halloween events that were set up for the party. “In the beginning of the party, we put out apples to do dunking, and at first only one girl wanted to try it. But by the time we finished, three or four people ended up doing it,” Digby said. “I think everyone wants a break to sit a moment and drink some cider.”
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