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Honors Office Relocates

By Maxime Devillaz

Last week, Dr. Joan Digby received help to “box up” her collection of over 1000 theses from students and alumni that have participated in the Honors Program under her supervision. The boxes, along with Dr. Digby and her staff, have been moved over to the Winnick Mansion.

The relocation of the Honors lounge is part of a major department move from Humanities to the Winnick Mansion; the Philosophy department has already packed its bags and headed up the hill to the new offices, and the English department is underway to empty its space, too. Once settled in, these offices will all be face each other on the second floor of the Winnick Mansion.

“It’s a magnificent view of my old office,” Digby said. “Here, honors students can come to study like they did before. We’ve even got a small classroom for some of the Honors courses to be taught [in]. It’s cozy,” Digby added.

Although she emphasized that 25 years is a long time in which many memorable moments have been created, Digby feels prepared to face the forced change. “I will give it my best!”

In 1979, the Honors Program first moved into Humanities, as part of the English department. A couple of years later, Dr. Joan Digby received her own office—a refurnished ladies restroom—more commonly known as room 201.

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