By Jada Butler
News Editor
From Oct. 10 to Oct. 14 the Student Art League (SAL) Gallery located on the first oor of the library presented artwork by graduate MA art student, Meghan Hallock. Hallock displayed 38 ceramic and eight screenprint works to the community with a reception held on Wednesday, Oct. 11 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Meghan Hallock, graduate MA art student features artwork in SAL Gallery.
The theme of her showcase was “Blue.” The color is associated with universal emotions and feelings. In Hallock’s vision, blue is like the sky and the ocean, which is connected to stability and truth. “It is something that is very personal,” Hallock said. “But also something we all can identify with.”
Primarily using clay as her medium, Hallock was drawn to screen print because it complimented her detailed and meticulous personality. The screenprints were of colonial-style buildings and homes. Hallock called them “blueprints,” and they represent homesickness and longing for the familiar. “The grays and the blues represent melancholy, the pops of color represent the joy and happiness you get from being home and in that comfort,” Hallock said.

Hallock’s artwork featured in the library.
Clay has always been a medium of “continuity and fragility” in Hallock’s mind. She works with porcelain for its “freshness, delicacy, and strength,” which are qualities she finds within herself. “[The waves] are all original and each have their own meaning to them,” Julia LiPuma, a cousin to Hallock, said. The handbuilt and wheel-thrown ceramics took various forms of a wave that embodied emotions ranging from ecstasy to grief, weakness and power.
Currently an elementary art teacher at Port Jefferson Elementary School, Hallock plans to keep producing work that inspires and connects with everyone.
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