To the Editor:
I applaud you for publishing the article “Commencement Move Draws Mixed Reaction.” Students have been attending and graduating from this college for over half a century, long before there was ever an LIU Post or a Barclays Arena. To move the Post graduation ceremony away from our campus and its long history and academic tradition is a travesty. The fact that Post will hold “individual Deans’ Recognition and Awards Ceremonies” before the event in Brooklyn proves that the administration recognizes that the students involved in the ceremony at the Barclays Arena will be part of a vast, impersonal blob of students from other colleges that they do not know and have never met and will be seated in an building that is all of six months old that they have zero connection to.
Thus, the administration will have to hold two graduations, as it were, in order to mollify students and provide lip service to individuality before it is sacrificed at the altar of synergized corporate branding. (i.e. the new ‘L.I.U. Post’) I doubt the graduating students will feeling any sense of school pride on the 16th as they sit in the middle of a giant basketball stadium staring at the corporate logo of a multinational financial services corporation. After all, everything is subservient to the almighty dollar sign in today’s impersonal synergized world.
Peter Collorafi
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