By Chloé Margulis
Staff Writer
Students and faculty of LIU Post are blessed (pun intended) to have the support and services of the Interfaith Center, also known as the Chapel, on campus. The Interfaith Center encourages people to continue pursuing their religious beliefs, as well as come to appreciate those of others. The Chapel offers Protestant worship, Roman Catholic mass, Jewish services, and Islamic worship. As their website says, “if the faith you follow is not represented at the Chapel, they will assist you in finding your tradition locally.” When the Interfaith Center is not holding religious services, it is offering community volunteering and activities for all students and faculty.
Thanksgiving is a time for giving, and being surrounded by the people we are grateful for in our lives. However, some students can’t always make it home for Thanksgiving. No need to feel sad about it, because the Chapel is offering its 26th annual Thanksgiving Fest to all students unable to go home during the holiday. According to Father Ted Brown, on Thanksgiving Day, a light breakfast will be served between 6.30 a.m. and noon at the Chapel. If you wish to get out in town on Thanksgiving, then around 7 a.m., a bus will depart from the Chapel to bring students to the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade in the Big Apple, NYC (students wishing to attend the parade must pay $10 for the bus services).
Ted Brown talked about the plans for the dinner: “A complete Thanksgiving meal will be served in the Long Island room at 1.15 p.m., and later, sandwiches will be available to take back to your room for an evening meal.” Lastly, students will have the opportunity to have dessert with university President Dr. Cline at her campus home. If you are interested in taking part in this Thanksgiving Day event, you can sign up at
One of the most well-known contributions of the Interfaith Center to the student body of LIU is “All Night Study” during finals week. Beginning Sunday, Dec. 14, and ending on Thursday, Dec. 18,
the Chapel will be open for quiet studying between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. This is the place for students to buckle down and get their hardcore studying on, especially when common places such as the library are packed and thriving with busy bees of students during this crucial time. The Chapel will also provide students with coffee and donuts to keep them going during the wee hours of the night. Father Ted Brown would really appreciate it if anyone would like to help out during the “All Night Study” week. You can contact Father Brown for more information as well as general inquiries about the Chapel and its contributions to campus life at (516) 299-2229.
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