Julian Wilson
Staff Writer

LIU Post’s new football stadium was supposed to be completed by this fall. However, as it currently stands, construction has not even started yet. Work on the stadium is tentatively slated for the end of the fall sporting season.
“We are planning to actually start construction or demolition shortly after the fall sports season has ended, which will hopefully be at the end of November,” said William Kirker, director of LIU Post›s Facilities Department.
Two members of the Post football team stated that they believe plans for renovating the football stadium are already in progress. However, one of those students, Steven Laurino, a junior History Education major, is unsure of what the future will hold regarding those plans. The outcome would “depend on whether or not the athletics department can raise enough money,” Laurino added.
However, “There have been no renovations made to the stadium,” Laurino stated. “There are plans . . . most likely following this season,” Laurino also mentioned that the new renovations “would primarily be new bleachers . . . much taller than the bleachers currently standing, and it will have a large number of chaired seating, less bench style.”
“They are planning to renovate the stadium completely,” said
Rob Bright, a junior Business Management major, also a member of the football team. In more detail, Bright added that it would be a “much nicer and larger stadium, which would be connected to Pratt.”
Bryan Collins, coach of LIU Post’s football team and university athletic director, expressed why progress is taking so long. Collins stated that they “did not receive permits from the town of Brookville . . . until the summer months, and then we decided to create a two phase portion of building the stadium.”
“Phase one is going to start after the fall football season, and it’s going to be replacing the bleachers and the seating within the bleachers,” Colllins added.
Collins stated that the delay is due in part to complaints by residents in the Town of Brookville. Potentially distracting noise was a main issue, and the town was not satisfied with the plans to build the new stadium.
“The village had many concerns about noise and crowds. We assured them about what we were aiming to do with the rebuilding. We told them it would be less loud, and I believe when they heard that, they accepted to grant us the permits,” Collins continued.
LIU Post’ s old football stadium has been in use since 1965, according to Collins. “We want to make the new stadium a great experience, for our Pioneers, and our University.”
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