By Thomas Gillen
Assistant A&E Editor
From February 19-21 and 25-28, the Post Theatre Company will present “Bernarda Alba” at the Little Theatre Main Stage. “Bernarda Alba” is, “an all-female musical based on the play ‘The House of Bernada Alba’ by Federico Garcia Lorca,” according to Heather Drastal, general manager of the Post Theatre Company.

Photo: Bendik Sorensen
“This intensely theatrical musical chronicles the growing awareness on the part of Bernarda’s five daughters that there is a new world apart from the one imposed by their domineering mother. As they seek to embrace their individuality and see that their dreams for the future don’t mesh with Bernarda’s restrictions, the daughters must ask the question: do they limit the possibilities of life’s journey by accepting their mother’s repressive moral codes?” Drastal said.
Meghan Gratzer, senior musical theater major, explained that the musical was chosen as a production because “we have a lot of strong, powerful women in our department and the faculty felt this was the perfect group of women for a production like this.” Gratzer, who is also starring in the show, is very excited about taking part in the production.
“It’s really awesome to get the opportunity to be in a show like this for my last semester. This process has been absolutely incredible; this cast is so erce and the production team is absolutely amazing,” she said.
Emily Banks, a junior musical theater major, will play the role of Martario in the production. Banks complimented the camaraderie between the members of the company. “We are all there for each other on the stage and o and we are like one big family,” she said.
Banks stated that the Post Theatre Company is a great organization for students to join because “students are able to fulfill their passion for theater, the productions are student run and we can show off our own work and the work of others.” As for the benefits of the company, Banks explained she likes seeing her fellow peers perform on stage and grow throughout their involvement in the organization.
Freshmen in the musical theater and acting programs will have a chance to show off their talents for the first time at the First Year Showcase from April 8-10. “The First Year Showcase gives freshmen the time to shine,” said Nancy Quintana, a senior musical theater major. “This is their introduction to the department since they don’t participate in the Post Theatre Company during their first semester. So for the First Year Showcase, freshmen are able to act out scenes or musical numbers on stage.”
The Post Theatre Company puts on student run theater productions throughout the year. Through the company, students are able to take on all roles of a stage production, including acting, directing and becoming crewmembers. Past productions during this academic year have included “Venus” in October, “Twelfth Night” in November and “Gifts of the Magi” in December.
Gratzer took part in the production and spoke of the relationship between the Tilles Center and the Post Theatre Company. “I was in ‘Gifts of the Magi’ at the Tilles Center and it was really exciting for Tilles and PTC to create something exciting together.”
In addition to “Bernarda Alba” and the First Year Showcase this semester; two thesis projects: “It All” by Abby Slocum and “Unless” by Laura Chamberlain and Cameron Clay will be performed March 4-6, and “Over and Over” by Anna Betteridge in April.
Drastal believes that all students should see at least one performance that the Post Theatre Company puts on. “We are doing a lot or original work that cannot be seen anywhere else, much of it generated by students,” he said. “It is contemporary, relevant and accessible to student audiences. We also bring in professional artists (directors and designers) to work on the productions, so you are seeing cutting edge, professional-grade theater, directed by NYC directors, right here on campus.”
Tickets can be purchased at the Post Theatre Company Box Office, which is open every performance day and remains open an hour and a half before curtain. To reserve tickets, email or call 516-299-2356. General Admission is $10. Students and senior citizens are $5 with an ID and there are discounts for groups with more than 10 people.
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