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Recipe of the Week: Ghost Graveyard Pudding Cups

By Victoria Onorato
Staff Writer

Get into the spirit of Halloween with a sweet treat that both spooky and delicious. The treat is simple and requires a variety of cookies and chocolate pudding. It does not require a lot of time and can be customized.

Here are the materials needed:

Photo by Victoria Onorato
Ghost Graveyard putting cups made with a Milano cookie, and whipped cream.

Chocolate pudding mix (Cook and Serve) 2 cups of milk
Oreo cookies
Milano cookie
Whipped cream
Plastic cups


Stir mix into milk in medium saucepan. Mix constantly.
Bring the mix to a boil on medium heat
Once the pudding is boiled, take off heat and pour into cups. Let pudding cool in refrigerator for a few hours.
As you let the pudding sit in the refrigerator, grab the cookie part of the Oreo and crumble the pieces until they’re small and crumbled
Sprinkle the cookie pieces on top of the cooled pudding mix
Grab a Milano cookie and write on the cookie ‘R.I.P.’ and shove cookie into the chocolate pudding cup.
Grab whipped cream and dispense on top of a “graveyard” cup and add a face to the ghost.
The recipe can be modified by using di erent kinds of milk and adding gummy worms and other sweet treats in the pudding.

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