Grace Oshin
Staff Writer
When students returned for the fall semester, they were greeted by changes on campus, including new walkways, plazas, smart classrooms, and a new location for the bookstore.

Post Information sent out an email on Aug. 9, informing the community that construction would begin on the campus pathways.
“We are working towards beautifying the lawn and plaza areas between the Great Lawn, Humanities and Hillwood,” the email stated. “The library main entrance and east side entrance will also be affected. Pardon our appearance during this process and please use alternate routes and building entrances as needed. Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to the new look.”
Representatives from the facilities department did not respond to the Pioneer’s inquiries about the construction project.
But John Lutz, chairperson of the English department, said, “Buildings and grounds need regular renovation in order to keep the infrastructure from deteriorating. I believe that the work of creating smart classrooms in Humanities Hall has also been completed, and this will enhance the learning environment. Students need a safe and pleasant environment in which to learn.”

Some students, however, aren’t too happy about the school’s current appearance, especially around the Great Lawn. “The lawn looks so dead right now,” said Carly Franqui, a junior criminal justice major. “I mean the new pathways are cool and all, but I miss the beautiful green grass. Now, I basically have to walk through the dust and dirt when I cut across the lawn. It’s nasty.”
Katriel Kelly, a freshman psychology major was on campus during the construction while attending a five-week summer session for the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), a platform dedicated to help educationally underprepared and financially disadvantaged students attend college.
“I was extremely annoyed at all the construction going on around campus,” Kelly said. “As an incoming freshman, that wasn’t the type of view I wanted to see my first time being at this college. During the program we had to do a detour through the mud to get around the construction and get to class in Pell and Khan.”
Lutz, though, was not concerned about the construction. “I wasn’t particularly disturbed by the construction,” he said. “Summer is the most sensible time to do this kind of work since most classes are not in session.”
Many students seem excited about the improved campus appearance. Corry-Ann Cadet, a junior education major, said, “Finally they fixed this place up. “I cannot tell you how many times I have tripped over the messed up walkways at this school. I am so happy that I can actually walk on smooth pavement.”
Cadet added, “Post is on a roll right now; I hope they don’t slow down. Next up, create more parking spaces!”
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