By Anand Venigalla
Assistant Features Editor
The #MeToo movement has started a nationwide discussion about sexual harassment, power dynamics, and the impact that social expectations and systems have on women’s professional and personal lives. LIU Post students have felt its impact.
“In a way I think the #MeToo movement is something that feels a long bit overdue,” Thomas Okin, a sophomore art major said. “For a long time you never knew anything regarding the sexual assault cases, and I think this movement really does bring out more information on sexual assault cases that have never been talked about, discussed, or ever been known to the public as a whole. I do hope that this #MeToo movement also brings up other sexual assault cases that haven’t been talked about or even discovered before.”
Okin is not alone in his views. “It’s something we should take seriously,” Alexandra Papageorge, a sophomore early childhood education major, said. “I think sexual assault is something that people need to be more aware of, and that whether you are a guy or girl you should have common sense to think about your actions and what you really do.”
Nicole Ludwig, a freshman psychology major, is in favor of the movement as a way for people to speak up about how they have been impacted by sexual assault. “I do know it’s a good thing that survivors are speaking up about their assault and their experiences and feeling united about it,” Ludwig said. “In our society people feel like they can’t talk about what has happened to them. Now it’s a great thing that they are standing up even if it’s just to cope with the past and not take legal action,” she added.
Ludwig acknowledged that people might take the movement wrong, but she thinks speaking up is better than silence. “It’s better to speak out than to be forced into silence because nothing can be solved if one stays quiet,” Ludwig said.
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