Opinions on Common Hour
Kathleen Joyce
According to the CW Post website, “The common hour is held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12:30 to 1:50 pm during the Fall and Spring semesters. No classes are scheduled during these times. Common hour provides an opportunity for students to partake in extracurricular activities, meet with their academic and career counselor, conduct university business, meet with professors, hold club meetings and attend campus events. Common hour allows the entire campus community to connect more conveniently on a social and academic level outside the classroom.” Most can agree there is always something going on during common hour. Maybe it’s a career or job fair, club meetings, or just having coffee with a friend who you only see once a week. Then there’s the commuters, some of us work and have other priorities that keep us away from school. So does the common hour cut into our time that much?
Kia Sidoroua, junior art history major, says that for her the common hour is “too long, but I usually have lunch and prepare for my next classes. It’s fine with me, I usually never get bored.” Sheree Elder, senior arts management major says, “I actually liked common hour this semester. At first I didn’t see the point of it and it messed up my class schedule, but now it’s not so bad. I’ve gotten used to not having classes during common hour.”
Some don’t feel the same senior Jeff Weisbein formed a Facebook page protesting the common hour. On the page it says, “ If you don’t know what common hour is it’s essentially a break in the day for everyone. That means there will be no classes held during that time, so if you are a commuter, it really sucks. Not only are you stuck at Post with no where to go, but to make matters worse there really isn’t enough time to go out and get something to eat. If you have been at Post for at least a semester I’m sure you are aware how packed Hillwood is at that time already. Now imagine it with everyone out of class. Horrible, I know.”
Depending on your opinion of the common hour it doesn’t seem to matter, the common hour is here to stay for now. There are a few glitches to fix at the moment, but that will have to wait for the fall. For any student at CW Post, the common hour is something to get used to. Maybe it will benefit you or it will just waste you time, but for now we will have to make the common hour for ourselves.
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