Meghan Glynn
Every fall they pile onto campus, wide-eyed and ready to start a new chapter in their lives, college. Some of them may go on to be the leaders of tomorrow, paving a big road for themselves that starts at C.W. Post. For some, C.W. Post was a choice they made after beginning college, transferring here to give themselves a new start. So who are these fresh faces, and what do they plan to do with their time at Post?
This fall, 930 freshmen have begun their college careers as C.W. Post Pioneers, and an additional 550 transfer students who have chosen to continue their studies here at Post will join them. Ian Boswell, a film major, one of the 930 incoming students, said that he’s excited for the change of pace that college will offer him. “I’m excited for the freedom to study what you want…in high school you’re not given a lot of opportunity to study whatever you want,” said Boswell.
The class of 2015 consists of students from locations throughout the country, with some traveling from as far as Puerto Rico and Hawaii to attend classes here. In all these new undergraduates come from a total of 26 different states.
The most popular courses of study among this year’s freshmen are education, business, psychology, criminal justice, forensic science and accounting. Boswell, explained that he is excited for his Film program as a whole. “The entire program in the way it’s designed…it’s really holistic in the way it approaches teaching film.”
For Michelle Morey, a freshman print and electronic journalism major, working at the campus radio station, WCWP, as a high school intern was what helped her to choose Post. She also added that the thing she’s excited for the most is simply college itself. “I’m looking forward to just growing as a person in general throughout college and just getting to experience so many different things,” said Morey.
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