The most exciting show to hit HBO since “True Blood” is “The Game of Thrones.” A complex show with riveting characters, this show is not one to miss. Based on the book series, “A Song of Ice and Fire,” by George R.R. Martin, “The Game of Thrones” is the first book. There has only been one season and ten episodes, but season 2 will begin airing on April 1st.
The first season revolves around the Stark family. Lord Eddard Stark (Sean Bean) is the chief administrator to the King, who is also his best friend. The King, Robert Baratheon, is a fat, drunk, lively being. He likes to have fun, but when making decisions, he is not useful. His cunning wife, Queen Cersei, is the decision maker. A deceitful woman, she is also having an affair with her own brother, who fathered all three of her children. The King is aware of this but keeps it under wraps from the community. The eldest of the children is Prince Joffrey, a terrible human being whose goal is to be king one day and chooses Eddard Stark’s daughter, Ansa, for his queen. The rest of the Stark children are the bastard-born John Snow, Robb, Arya, Bran, and Rickon.
Another important family in the series is Daenerys and Viserys Targayren. They are the last of the Targayren tribe. Viserys marries his sister, Daenerys, to the tribe lord, Khal Drogo, of the nomadic tribe, in order to produce more Targayren babies. Viseyrs plans to overthrow King Robert in order to gain back the throne that belonged to his father.
Although the show introduces and kills off characters often, making it complex, it’s easier to follow than you’d think. Reading the books first would help, but watching it is even better. I highly recommend the show to those who love fantasy and fiction. The show is vulgar and violent at times, so it should be cautioned for those who aren’t ready for that. And, it also has a massive amount of nudity and sex. It’s an underrated show in my opinion but definitely one to catch up on. Trust me, this is not one to miss! I’ll be counting down the days to April 1st.
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