By Ashley Bowden
Assistant Copyeditor
With graduation right around the corner, many seniors are excited and counting down the days. Meanwhile, others might still be figuring out what they are going to wear to the momentous occasion.

Kaitlin’s outfit for graduation.
Some students are playing it more business-casual, like Taylor Bass, senior musical theatre major. Bass said, “I’m thinking of wearing a dress and heels,” and at the same time, she is considering the weather, remembering how it was freezing and muddy out during graduation last year. “Wedge heels and a cute dress,” are what she has chosen to wear to the event. “We have a toast after, and we always like to get dressed up for [it].” The outfit will be shrouded by the black gown at first, but later on, it will be perfectly suited for the celebration after the graduation ceremony.
Many are taking the simplistic route. Senior musical theatre major Daniel George said he’s going with something, “Simple, professional, and nice-looking.”
A few people have put in great detail towards what they have decided to wear and have already assembled their outfits. Senior broadcasting major, Kaitlyn Veygel, has chosen to wear “a yellow flapper-style dress paired with royal blue heels and a matching royal blue sweater.” She explains that the style of dress is “very relaxed,” in the way it fits. Veygel is aiming to make a bold statement with her “classic- yet-modern” style. She plans to complete the ensemble with, “a royal blue ribbon to wrap around [her] waist, as well as some jewelry.” Veygel added, “In my opinion, it’s a style that’s never really gone out of style but only improved and modernized a bit.”

Kaitlin’s outfit for graduation.
Others are incorporating a level of personal significance and meaning into their attire. Marlin Slack, another senior musical theatre major, is taking a simple three-piece suit (a vest, tie, and jacket) to another level entirely. “I’ll probably wear a crazy color in rebellion of the formality of some forms of government [to symbolize] the fake formality and chaos they put on a suit and pretend the world is okay when they’re actually making it fall apart,” Slack explained. Also taking the changing weather into account, Slack mentions that he’ll wear the entire three-piece, “Unless it’s way too hot, then I’ll just do the vest.”
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