By Harry Pearse
Staff Writer
As many of you seniors are entering your last or second to last semester, the reality of what these amazing four years have all been will start to kick in! But, although it seems like it’s only these veteran college seniors who are going to ponder about their lives, during the next year, we all should start to think about our end game: what am I going to do after college? What is my ‘means to an end?’
If you haven’t already put together a resume, it may be a good idea to make an appointment with your success coach, professors, department chairs, or your parents for extra help. Even if it’s just listing all the cool things you have done, any jobs you have endured, as well as your interesting characteristics as a person, that can all be included in your resume.
Although many of you may think, “Oh, I have years before I have to start thinking about a serious job,” it’s not too soon to have a resume. Drawing up your resume doesn’t just need to be something that you hand in to some corporate animal; no, it could almost be an analysis of yourself. You could study what you have achieved so far: Have I achieved enough? What else have I always wanted to do? What life experiences would be cool to have? It will also help you question whether you have been productive enough in your life so far: Have I had a job? Do I need to mature a bit more?
This, as a whole, is not just a huge step toward where you need to be in the future; in a business or professional setting, it is a necessary step to help yourself understand what you’ve achieved and accomplished. It may go two ways. You could be happy and content with your progress through life, which will serve as a confident boost, or you may come out of it thinking, “Maybe I have to buck my ideas up and get my head down!” Both of these outcomes can only improve you as a person. Give it go!
If you don’t have a “Scooby doo” (this means CLUE in cockney rhyming slang), then you need to start thinking. To set a goal or having an ambition that will lead you where you want to be is so important for your psyche. We as humans need stability in our minds, and things such as giving your future “food for thought” is a very healthy and a crucial way to maintain a strong mind.
I am a prime example of someone who konws what he wants to do. College opens so many avenues that you could ride along, which may become overwhelming. However, one positive outlook is that you have
a choice. Many people in our age don’t have this luxury of choice. They don’t have the opportunity to make their own decisions on what field they want to follow upon graduation. Having a vague idea of a specific path or subject matter that we really have a passion for, and want to do once we have left the green scenery of Pioneer Country, is key.
Focus on thoughts that center yourself best; what are you good at? What is your major? Is this the field you want to go into after college? What are your options? These are all questions that you could ask yourself and then go into deep thought and find what you really want to do.
If you need help with any of these questions, and I am pretty certain you will because they are hard concepts to think about and extremely serious topics, then visit your success coach, ask your professor, and please don’t be afraid to ask your parents and friends for their perspectives. Asking questions will help massively, and make a few decisions much easier. Just be warned that you may find things out that you never thought you would, but your mind will become clearer once you have considered them. So do it with an open mind, and find your ‘means to an end!’
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