Natalie Reid
Staff Writer
February is here and while for me that means one month closer to spring, for others all that comes to mind is Valentine’s Day. As the middle of February approaches, the shelves in almost every store are stacked with chocolate and teddy bears, flower shops are arranging orders of rose bouquets, and Victoria’s Secret flaunts their sexiest lingerie fit for the Valentine’s Day occasion. It seems as if everywhere you turn coupledom is accentuated at an all-time high. However, what happens when you’re just one and not a part of a couple. As a girl, how can you survive Valentine’s Day being single?
It is so easy to fall into the category of the bitter, miserable female rambling on and on, on social networks about how irrelevant this day is to you. This year let’s decide not to be that girl. Instead of moping around, get up, get out, and enjoy the day. That’s what senior Art Therapy major, Xochlith Roman did: “A couple of years ago, my friends and I threw a party on Valentine’s Day but we called it Singles Awareness Day. Instead of wearing red, everyone wore black. We had drinks, food, and music. The location was decorated with stars instead of hearts. It ended up being the best non-Valentine’s Day celebration ever!”
Here are some other tips to help you enjoy Valentine’s Day; after all, it is a day of expressing outward love to anyone you love, not just to a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Begin the day with a positive attitude. No matter what, avoid thinking of that special guy you don’t have and instead think of all the special people that are currently in your life.
Plan a day-date with your mother. A lunch date and a little shopping sounds like a beautiful bonding experience to me. After all, moms do know how to make everything better.
If Mom’s working or busy celebrating the day with her other half then…
Have Dinner with your Friends. Share the latest scoop with your best friends in one of your favorite restaurants. There’s no infinite feeling like the one you get, hanging around those that know you best.
Cater to the Most Important Person in your Life, Yourself. This may sound a bit cliché but the best love is self-love. Treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure, and or a massage. Get a hold of your favorite magazine and indulge in a few trinkets. Want a teddy bear, visit your nearest Build-a-Bear store and build yourself one. Feeling for some chocolate? Buy yourself some! It’s Valentine’s Day, most, if not all stores are dedicating an entire aisle to chocolaty delights.
Lastly, know that it will be a Great Day. Even if you don’t have someone to send you flowers or candy, every day is worth enjoying.
I hope some of these ideas will allay your fear of Valentine’s Day approaching. Just remember it is one day so why not make it unforgettable. Besides, by the time you look it’ll be February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day.
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