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Posts published in “Features”

Healthy On-The-Go Eating at LIU Post

Julia Musacchia As busy college students, most of us rarely have time to sit down for a meal. Instead we grab a quick bite to eat, usually some prepackaged food loaded with salt and lacking anything that can keep your energy going throughout the day. However, here at LIU Post,…

Start Your Own Garden

Shelbi Thurau Spring is here and along with it comes the perfect time to start your own garden! There is a lot of research that shows exposure to natural environments can have a positive effect on your health.  In study published by Roger S. Urlich, it was found the recovery…

Professor Profile: Dr. Soupios

Alex Parker Dr. Michael Soupios is an institution within himself at LIU-Post. Ask any student on campus about his classes and nine times out of ten the feedback will be great. With four doctorates and four masters degrees, Dr. Soupios considers himself to be very lucky in his career here…

The Commuter Column: Personalizing Your Vehicle

Kathleen Joyce Being a former victim of Catholic School, it was important for us students to personalize ourselves since we were wearing the same exact thing. So when you’re on the road, sometimes you’ll see some crazy decorations on vehicles. It’s hard to be driving a car that more than…

Fashion Column: How to Find the Perfect Bathing Suit for You

Marisa Anziano Well, that dreaded time of year is fast approaching for many of us: bathing suit season. Whether you are on hunt for something a little more flattering or you are just looking to try something new, this is the article for you. Bathing suit shopping and bathing suit…

Re-energize With Smart Snacking

Jennifer Bianchini Picture yourself sitting by a beautiful campfire.   Every once in a while, you have to fuel the fire to keep it burning.  If you stop fueling the fire, then what happens?  Eventually, the fire will slow down until it is completely out.   Now imagine this fire is your…

Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think

Nicole Regan             Do you ever find yourself snacking when you’re not even hungry?  Have you ever had that guilty feeling after finishing a whole package of your favorite comfort food?  Overeating contributes to the current obesity epidemic in the United States.  How would you like to know what signals…

LIU-Post’s RecycleMania

Billy Achnitz Over the course of my time attending LIU Post, I have constantly heard people say that we don’t recycle on campus. This common misconception is usually said because LIU Post does not have a recycling bin next to every single garbage can around campus. Don’t get me wrong,…

Queer Corner: Once Upon a Time

Philip Degaltini When I was growing up, I never really saw anyone like myself on television, in movies, or fairytales. It was always Boy meets Girl, they fall in love, and they live happily ever after. I never was able to identify with a character in a story in the…

Fashion Column: Spring 2012 Fashion Trends

Marisa Anziano It’s that time once again, my fellow fashion mavens. It’s time to pack up your favorite fall and winter style essentials in favor of some colorful, vibrant spring fashion staples. As the leaves on the trees and flowers bloom, fresh spring air breathes new life into our wardrobe.…