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Posts published in “News”

Students Take Initiative in Rain Storm

By Thomas Gillen Staff Writer On Tuesday, Nov. 10, the tables and umbrellas outside of Humanities Hall were knocked over due to inclement weather. After seeing the aftermath of the storm, several students came together, independently, and took matters into their own hands, turning back over the tables and umbrellas…

International Education Week

By Brian Riley Co-News Editor LIU Post is home to over 600 international students, according to the office of International Admissions. This makes Post ideal to be one of the many schools across the country to participate in International Education Week, which started on Monday, Nov. 16, and runs through…

Nightmare in Paris: A Terrorist Attack

By Francesca Gaspari Co-Promotions Manager On Friday, Nov. 13, the world came to a halt after watching the horror of eight ISIS terrorists, who coordinated multiple attacks throughout Paris, killing 129 people and wounding 352 other innocent civilians. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for this horrific act of terror. François…

Why is Finals Week so Late?

By Michael Otero Sports Editor December 23 marks the last day of the current semester. Finals week itself is scheduled from Dec. 16 to the 22. There are over 200 finals on Tuesday, Dec. 22. That means you better do your holiday shopping well before you take your finals. Yet,…

Theatre Film and Dance Building

By Danielle Marano Staff Writer At the beginning of the fall semester, a change occurred in the Theatre, Film and Dance building. The faculty members, whose offices had always been in that building, were told that their offices would be moved to the basement of Humanities Hall. Professors who hold…

The New Old Website

By Angela Alfano Co-News-Editor In 2014, Long Island University’s website underwent a technological make-over. The entire face and layout of the LIU website was revamped. Yet, a recent investigation by the Pioneer found that, despite the aesthetic updates made to the site, much of the old information remains the same.…

Honors College Welcomes 60 New Students

By Paul Whitbeck Contributing Writer For fall 2015, 60 new students have joined the Honors College, which is more than double the number of students who enrolled last year. Many of these new students come from the immediate area, as well as other states and countries. The Honors College was…