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Posts published in “Opinions”

In The Bubble

By Ludvig Brisby Jeppsson Arts & Entertainment Editor Sororities, fraternities, athletic teams, clubs, organizations. LIU and college life in general offer lots of possibilities to join a group or team. And those are just the official ones. Then there are all the other groups of people you come across; your…

We’re Back

By Harry Pearse Staff Writer We are back. And I am not sure about you guys, but I was bloody excited to get back in a classroom and study some good ol’ academia. Well, not the homework and the long hours of studying before midterms and finals. Nor the anxiety…

Specialists and Generalists

By Ludvig Brisby Jeppsson Staff Writer The fall semester has just begun and the university is filling up with new and returning students. Campus is coming back to life and the student counsellor services are in full swing. Majors, minors and classes have to be decided. Regardless if you are…

Post Students and Spring Fashion

By Melanie Spina Co-Opinions Editor It might not feel like it’s spring time, but in the fashion world, it is officially spring season. The stores have switched their hats and boots for sunglasses and sandals. According to, this year’s spring trends are all about self-expression. LIU Post students spoke…

American Identity: Unknown…

By Joseph Iemma Assistant Features Editor It’s been a good 239 years since we decided to tell Great Britain, which at the time was the face of imperialism, that we’d rather be a country then a band of colonies, and if you (Britain) have problem with that, let’s have a war…

#ME? Is Social Media Our Utopia?

By Randall Taylor Staff Writer Social media has been both a blessing and a curse for the last decade. The benefits include being able to interact and communicate with people around the world, and instantly access and receive news and information about world issues, and various other topics. It also…

Equal Pay for Equal Play

By Michael Otero Co-Editor-in-Chief Gender equality, or should I say inequality, is an issue that always stirs the pot. Whether in the work place, in politics or elsewhere, everyone seems to have an opinion. So why should sports be any different? According to, there are significant gaps in terms…