Geena McGuinness
Can you believe it’s already time to register for spring classes? With this gorgeous weather hanging on by a thread, it’s odd to think the semester is half-way over. Registration began last week and immediately students raced to the school website or to the administration office to get the best schedule possible. However, what many people don’t realize is that registration is usually more difficult than it sounds. Sure, you may know what classes you wish to take, but avoiding large gaps and getting off on a Friday is never easy.
There are two ways of making a schedule. One, is doing it online by using your LIU account, and the other, is meeting with an advisor. The question is, which way do students prefer? Senior Filomena Pascarella registered online, and said: “You can’t do anything on the website until you’ve paid your bill. It’s very difficult.”
On the other hand, junior Joseph Colletti will be meeting with an advisor to register. “I like meeting with an advisor because I’m always scared of messing up my schedule.” An advisor who knows what your major is knows which classes you need to take and can work around your schedule to make you as content as possible.
So, the choice is yours. Here are just a couple of tips: if you’re going to register online, make sure you know what classes you need to take in order to graduate and make sure you’ve met all the requirements to register at all. If you’re going to meet with an advisor, make sure you schedule an appointment; if you’re a walk-in, make sure to give yourself plenty of time in case there’s a long wait in the advisement office.
Let’s be honest, school is never cheap, so almost everyone would love to graduate as soon as possible. Make sure you’re taking all of your required classes and that you’re on a path that’s right for you. Go about it in any way you want, but just make sure that when it’s time to register for classes to ask yourself “which method of registration is right for me?” To schedule an appointment in the Office of Academic and Career Planning call (516) 299-2746.
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