Rebecca Martelotti
Staff Writer
The days of hand writing a letter, buying a postage stamp and mailing it out are long gone. Various forms of communication such as social media networks like Facebook, Skype, texting and other forms of instant contact have transformed the platform of how we communicate. In a society where Twitter and Facebook are the main forms of communication, is email still relevant?
The myth that email is irrelevant to the younger generation is simply untrue. Many young people are realizing how important it is to check their email, and many even have more than one email account.
Social media is often disposable due to the various networks that people are members of such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. With so many feeds and information posted by countless friends daily, it is hard to target a particular person and have personal contact with them. Unlike various social media networks, email is still semi-private and does not broadcast itself all over the Internet for everyone to “like” and “comment” on.
As a college student, email also plays a role in your education. Sandra Mardenfeld, Assistant Professor and Media Arts/Director of the Journalism Program at LIU Post said, “I think students should use their LIU email. It only benefits them. Students receive important deadlines and announcements through the email. I, myself, rarely email students unless I am canceling class or need to speak to them. Most of my communication is on blackboard. However, a student might miss an email from me if they did not check their LIU account.”
When attending college, working and searching for potential internships and jobs, checking email and communicating with various industries and professors is valuable to your future. “I never checked my school or personal email accounts,” said Gabriella Ianiro, a junior Journalism major. “But I recently got an internship and have to constantly respond to emails from my boss and professors.” I check my LIU email account daily in order to check updates from clubs and professors. Email is a way for the university to send out mass communications to students.
Potoula Anagnostakos, a sophomore Journalism major said, “I use email to communicate with my friends, family, and at work. I also use it to receive emails from stores and school.” Businesses still use emails to reach clients, customers and employees. With so many stores having websites online, I constantly receive emails from stores to learn about new sales and trends. Most fashion brands and major companies now have online catalogs as opposed to sending catalogs in the mail.
In a world that is purely driven on technology, email plays an immense role in communication. Email is a way to keep in touch with people from all over the world. It can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Email is fast, simple, and generates an immediate response.
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