JobNet and what it’s all about
Kathleen Joyce
Juniors and Seniors of C.W. Post are encouraged to sign up for C.W. Post’s job bank and career information system called JobNet. JobNet uses keyword searches on internships, work-study, on-campus budget, part-time and full-time jobs. Resumes are posted on the website, so when contacting the employer, they will be able to see your resume posted. The system is very efficient, but how many students really use it to their advantages?
According to Jason Cascone, the director of career development, there were approximately 17,000 logins to JobNet during 2010. 3,000 users of the approximate 7,500 users registered on JobNet made these logins. The users are a mix of students and alumni of C.W. Post. The site currently has 185 full-time jobs posted and 175 cooperative education/internship positions. Alice Baumer, the associate director of cooperative education says, “my biggest frustration is that we have more co-op jobs available than students who choose to take advantage of the cooperative education program.”
Cascone says, “There is evidence from the alumni office that shows that alumni employers use JobNet to source their candidates. But JobNet is not all about finding employers; it also has a resource library for students, in which they can find examples of excellent resume writing, cover letter writing, interviewing tips, help for applying to graduate school, and work study information. Academic and career planning is available to assist students with any questions on their resumes and interview preparation.”
Cascone says , “most users do not know that JobNet has a Job Agent function that can allow a seeker to do a search and set up a Job Agent to e-mail them when jobs meeting the same criteria are activated in JobNet.” With that, students can search for what jobs or internships they desire, and the Job Agent function will help the students find the best positions available for them.
Freshman journalism major Natalie Villanueva used JobNet to find a job on campus. “I used JobNet for a campus job and was able to get a job in the media arts department, perfect for my major.” Junior Anne Winberry says, “I don’t need to use JobNet. I already have a job, so I really don’t feel the need to use JobNet.” Personally, I have been able to use JobNet to just help me become aware of what jobs are out there for me.
To register for C.W. Post’s JobNet, go to, click to register, then fill out some specific information and then you’re in the system. It’s free to all C.W. Post students. Once in, you can log in at any point to set up interviews with various employers, talk to the career advisors at C.W. Post for any further information, and you will receive announcements about various job fairs around the area. The next career event will take place at C.W. Post on April 13. The site is beneficial to those who want an internship and/or a job, and you won’t have to put in half of the effort to find the employers and events. All you’ll have to do is log on to the website, and it’s all there for you.
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