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Letter from the Editor

The Pioneer welcomes you back! Everyone new and old, sick and healthy.  If you haven’t been taken to the hospital yet, congratulations!  Living on campus is starting to feel like living in a bubble of germy madness and I’m finding myself happy to dodge anyone and everyone in the absolute fear of getting that “virus” – isn’t that what they’re saying it is?  I’m glad they’re sending us those emails though; it’s probably better use of their time as opposed to maybe Clorox-ing every square inch of the buildings.  Oh well.  As a senior, I have yet to see an epidemic this bad and truly feel for those who have had to start this bleak semester with it.  Luckily, our News Editor was able to get the full story if you aren’t sick of hearing about it already (pun intended).  Unluckily, hours after writing up the story she got the bug herself.  Sorry Jackie!

We have a large issue of the Pioneer this week.  One reporter has the scoop on the new winter courses that were offered during the break, and how the courses have been surprisingly useful to the student body over the years.  Our brand new Copy Editor discusses the pros and cons of Blackboard- are we really using it?  Our features section is stacked with juicy info on some clubs and organizations here on campus that wanted to reach out to potential new members.  This will be a new section of the paper that focuses on featuring a different club every week; so if any clubs and orgs out there want a shout out don’t hesitate to email us and we’ll get you in contact with a staff reporter!  We also have a New Year, New You collage of Post students and their New Year’s Resolution promises for 2011.

Our opinions section has a new addition as well.  We have a staff writer who will be writing a bi-weekly relationship column; turn to page 23 to see what it’s all about. Our new Opinions Editor covers what’s new with Student Government.  Hint, hint: the best coffee in the world (STARBUCKS!).   Loomings is also back with some movie and music entertainment for you to enjoy.  If you find yourself interested in writing reviews or anything of entertainment value, contact us and we will put you through to our Review Editor!  He is always looking for new ideas and faces.

As always we appreciate you picking up the Pioneer.  We love feedback and/or suggestions so feel free to email us anytime at  We are also always looking for people to join our team; you have something you’re interested in? We can try and incorporate you somehow.  It looks great on your resume and you have the opportunity to receive three credits as well! Well, that’s all for this week.  WASH YOUR HANDS!


Samantha Bishal




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