The first semester back at school is always hectic. We are forced to recover from a long summer of sun-drenched skin, salty hair and the searing hot excitement for absolutely no schoolwork (not to mention one too many vodka seltzers). Whether you’re a new incoming student or a veteran senior, the first couple of weeks feel as though you’re running on zero steam; you’re just chugging along completely off balance, trying to find your way in our little community here at Post.
As the third week rolls on by, we just need to take a deep breath. Most of us approach things at a different pace, some of you might even be completely settled already, but for those of us that aren’t it is important to take each day as it comes. And don’t worry, that everyday routine and easiness will come with time. Still don’t believe us? Check out our article on time management. One of our staff writers gives you a play by play on how to start off the semester right. Also, another writer discusses the alcohol policy on campus; do you agree with it or not?
Our features section is once again packed with nutritional information and even a profile on the Newman club at Post. As usual, we ended this issue with many sports updates. We would also like to apologize for not printing one article last week that discussed the men’s soccer team. However, this week there are two full stories about the team and how they are coming along this year.
Until next week, enjoy kids!
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