Dear Editor,
We commend the Long Island University Post Equestrian team for working to bring awareness to the important issue of horse slaughter (“Equestrian Team Gives Back,” Sept. 30). Horses are our companions and partners in work and sport, and the team’s efforts exemplify the special bond we have with horses and the responsibility we have to care for them.
Horse slaughter betrays the trust that horses have learned to put in us. From the auction to the kill box, horses suffer in appalling conditions throughout the slaughter pipeline. Horses sent to slaughter are not old and sick—rather, 92 percent are in good condition and able to be won- derful companions when given a second chance. Horses deserve better than slaughter, and 80 percent of Americans agree with the LIU Post Equestrian team that the slaughter of horses for human consumption should be prohibited.
The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act (H.R. 1094/S. 541) will put an end to this grisly practice. U.S. Senators Schumer and Gilibrand – and 22 of our New York U.S. Representatives – have already co-sponsored the SAFE Act. Please urge Rep. Hakeem Jeffries to join them in co-sponsoring this crucial legislation.
Brian Shapiro
New York State Director
The Humane Society of the United States
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