By Hailey Duchnowski, Staff Writer
Football, an American classic, has been played on Thanksgiving day since 1920. NFL and college football have historically hosted games on Thanksgiving day and usually have various teams that play throughout the day.
This Thanksgiving, the NFL teams that had played were Houston Texas at Detroit Lions and Washington Football Team at Dallas Cowboys. This year, College Football was thrown to a halt due to Covid-19 and Universities precautions to make sure everyone is safe and healthy.
The Texans Vs. The Lions game was 41 to 25, with the Texans holding the win, and the Washington Vs. Cowboys game with a 41-16, Washington getting that win as well. As many sat down to enjoy their Thanksgiving meals, they had the chance to relax and watch the games, and give their opinion on how they thought the games went and their opinions on the winning teams.
Brandon Cossaro, a junior, was not as excited for the games this year compared to previous seasons. “Although I watch the football games on Thanksgiving every year, this year I did not sit down and get into them,” Cossaro said. “With everything going on in the world, I decided to spend a little more time with my family and focus on being together than separating and going in the other room with the guys and watching the game.”
Cossaro is hopeful next year will allow for a much better circumstance. “Covid-19 has impacted the sports world tremendously and has led to many changes and honestly made this Thanksgivings’ games unenjoyable,” he said. “I did read the outcome of the games and was not too surprised with the teams who took the win, but I am hopeful that possibly next Thanksgiving I will be able to sit down and watch an intense football game with my family.”
Will Snelders, a junior, was also more focused on family this Thanksgiving.“I didn’t watch the games this year for the first time because my nephew had come over, and I was focusing on spending time with him and playing fun games like football and having a catch of our own,” Snelders said. “I was home with my dad as well, and he hates the NFL currently because he doesn’t like what the players are doing with all of the BLM and stop police brutality stuff because it hits home with him.”
Although many are hurting and missing sports tremendously this year, people had taken a break from what was happening outside of their homes and within the sports world to sit and try to enjoy their first Thanksgiving during a national pandemic with their loved ones.
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