By Jenesia McNeil
Staff Writer
For some students, to dorm on campus provides a sense of independence or freedom. You are on your own, living in your own space with no one really to answer to. You may come and go as you please, have company, and do whatever it is you may want to do while you are not in your parents’ household. Though you are technically living on your own, there are campus housing rules you do have to follow. These rules are meant to provide a fair and safe environment for students.

Among the dorm rules, “Quiet Hours” seem to be the most disputed among students. Quiet Hours is simply a time of day, typically at night, that residence halls are required to be quiet. Throughout the day, there may be music playing or loud talking, which is acceptable, but Quiet Hours, ensures a peaceful and silent environment.
As a Campus Life Coordinator of Nassau and Suffolk Hall, Arianna Livreri knows firsthand about the impact of Quiet Hours in residence halls. “Quiet Hours start at 9 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday,” she explained. The Quiet Hours policy is intended to limit the amount of noise in the dorms during the week, but allots more time for noise during the weekend.
“Quiet Hours are needed. It helps me concentrate while studying,” Khadijah Swann, a junior Photography major who lives in Nassau Hall said. This is in fact one of the reasons for Quiet Hours in the residence halls: to ensure silent and equipped study environments. “I’m able to sleep at night, so that I’m better prepared for class the next day,” Swann added.
There are cases, however, when students ignore Quiet Hours and go on as if these rules do not exist. Those students feel that they are entitled to make as much noise as they want because they pay for school.
“Though they are not effective and used properly, Quiet Hours are essential to the school community,” Romar Lyle, a senior Psychology and Criminal Justice major who is also a Residence Assistance (RA) in Nassau Hall, said. “It’s too bad students do not take advantage of them.”
Lyle continued, “There should be more desk attendants (DAs) provided so that RAs can do their job effectively.” Desk attendants are student workers that watch the front door of the residence halls, assist in signing in visitors from other residence halls, commuter students or outside guest, and monitor the traffic of the door. There are a different number of desk attendants assigned to each residence hall.
“I deem Quiet Hours to be beneficial for the students so that they have time to work on homework and other projects that may require a quiet environment,” Livreri said. “It also is beneficial to those who like to go to bed early.”
Livreri continued, “I feel that some students do take advantage of Quiet Hour. Especially those who have early practices and those very involved in their studies. RAs are able to monitor each building and if noise ever becomes an issue it is addressed immediately.” Traditionally, too noisy students are forewarned to bring the noise down. If the students do not take precaution, they are eventually written up for noise disturbance.
I feel that Quiet Hours are essential and beneficial for students in residence halls. It ensures the peace and quiet that is needed for students to focus and concentrate on school work. You feel secure in knowing that you will get a good night’s rest for that 8 a.m. class the next day.
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