Last updated on Jun 11, 2015
By Harry Pearse
Staff Writer
We only have a couple weeks left of the spring semester, and as summer rolls in like the badass it is, we have to remember what we have gone through in these columns over the semester: Staying healthy, fit, and always trying to have a happy vibe!
When we leave school for the summer, we won’t have free access to the gym that some have indulged in throughout the year. This means one of two things: we either have to tone our summer bodies RIGHT NOW, or we have to join a gym when we are back home. Although many of you might think, “Yeah, summer is for chilling. Gym? No way!” Think again.
If you are going to partake in alcohol-infused shenanigans and eat all of those juicy burgers on your travels or while in the Hamptons when you’re cruising on the beach, you have to make sure you somewhat maintain a level of fitness or exercise. You might not ‘bust your balls’ seven days a week, but one or two sessions on the cross trainer, or a core session a week, goes an extremely long way.
Another factor to consider when venturing out in the world throughout July and August is to sustain a half-decent diet. I know summer is the time for relaxation, feet up and enjoyment. But you want to look good on the beach, right? You don’t have to look like those lingerie models, who are hauled by paparazzi cameras on Panama Beach, but just enough to uphold the level of balance in your diet, so that when you are back in school it isn’t as difficult to reach your normal levels.
I don’t mean having a tiny slice of pineapple with your Pina Colada or a slither of orange with your tequila sunrise. Although these little things do help, it’s just not sufficient enough. But, what you can do is having water with most of your meals and keeping topped up on your fruits and vegetables. Maybe eat a bowl of mango while you are catching the rays on your sun bed?
Both of these factors are to not only making sure you look good for the sun and heat — and the opposite gender, of course. No, having these factors incorporated into your life and daily routines will just increase the happy karma!
We all know that with the sun comes a much happier self, but let’s add to that. By making sure we keep a good level of diet and exercise, we will just feel much better all around. You know what they say about a happy person, right? They are so much more attractive and radiant!
If we have a good positive frame of mind, when it comes to (starting and) finishing that assignment in the last week of the break for that class we all have on the first day of the semester, we can get it done much more efficiently and easily. Let’s win this game of happiness and health, and say…Namaste!
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