Last updated on Dec 9, 2015
By Harry Pearse
Staff Writer
Catching up on assignments, writing essays, practicing statistics equation after statistics equation, making sure I’m ready for finals, waking up at 9 a.m. to start a day filled with studying, and being productive throughout out the time off. No, this is certainly not what I did throughout the Thanksgiving break.
My story was more like waking up at noon, cuddling, drinking tea, eating poorly, watching films, thinking about doing work, but then coming to the reality of “no” to that. Now I am back at school, and the realization of the workload is smacking me in the face. I do regret, just a little, not doing an ounce of studying.
My justification for my lack of any attempt of bettering my academic self, is that I have had a long, tough soccer season, which, sadly has just come to an end. The practices five times per week, two games per week, and traveling up and down the east coast, and to West Virginia for the later part of the season, can really take its toll, especially when it’s on top of all the essays and quizzes that students have to complete on time.
However, many students who don’t have this obligation also have other things that draw away their attention, and are still able to stay on top of academic tasks throughout the Thanksgiving break, which I admire. As I now look at the bright lights of my laptop, I wish I also had the same attitude a week ago; it would have helped.
It is really important to take the breaks as they come; not only to enjoy the company of your family and indulge in the excitement for what Thanksgiving has to offer, but to just relieve stress and relax, so we can prepare ourselves for some tough schoolwork ahead. Finding the balance between chillin’ and getting those stat equations securely fixed into your mind is hard, but important. Something I may have to take into consideration next year.
Although I now have the dark and stormy cloud of catching up with some work over my rough and uncontrolled hair, I cannot let it overshadow the brilliant, beautiful and blooming time I had over the Thanksgiving break. I had such an amazing time; I experienced my first real Thanksgiving. Although the European one I celebrated with my best friends and housemates last year was wonderful, this year was just a REAL Thanksgiving.
A gorgeous and loving Palestinian woman, Abir Khouri, hosted my night along with her perfect family, who provided my first taste of that marshmallow and sweet potato mashed potatoes. The whole experience is one I will never forget, and something I’ll take home with me to tell my family. The company was tremendous, and when the guitar and piano began to harmonize, I felt like I was in paradise (of course, I requested Wonderwall by Oasis).
The most beautiful and defying thing about the night was the warmness and thankfulness of family and friends. The Khouri household really did remind me how important your loved ones are; their support, their love, their defaults, their perfect imperfections…putting all of these into perspective was wonderful and gave me this excitement to get home for Christmas and hug my own family.
I hope your Thanksgiving was as overwhelmingly brilliant as mine. I hope it was more productive on the academic side than mine was. Also, if you don’t think you fully appreciated what you experienced over the break, then have a thought, and make sure you truly and sincerely say thanks for all that you have and experienced.
Now, good luck in all your schoolwork. I need it.
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