By Caroline Nickolaus
Staff Writer
Summer has come and gone. The leaves have changed colors and the temperature has dropped over the last few weeks. Before we know it, we will be exchanging our sweaters and scarves for warm jackets and snow boots.
Winter is a difficult time to be a college student for a few reasons, such as how inclement weather can cause snow days. Snow days can be fun and enjoyable once in a while, but too many can put a damper on the flow of the semester. Black ice and snow on the roads also make the trip for the commuters an even more gruesome one. Those who dorm on campus don’t have it all that easy, either; students still must hike in the bitter temperature from the Residence Halls to either Hillwood Commons or Winnick to eat, and Humanities Hall or Pell Hall for class.

I believe that LIU Post is totally prepared for the upcoming winter. Not only does our campus staff have many years of experience dealing with harsh Long Island winters, the Facilities department has salt and plow trucks standing by ready for action.
“All snow plowing is performed by LIU employees,” Head of Facilities William Kirker said. “Our grounds and custodial personnel clear the roads, paths and stairs along with applying salt.”
Kirker continued, “We are already in the process of getting ready for these conditions by preparing vehicles and other equipment for plowing and salting. We also need to monitor fuel levels, salt levels and spare parts that may be needed during times of emergencies. Contracts with vendors need to be set up well in advance.”
Generators for power are in some of the campus buildings, such as Humanities Hall. “We have generators in many buildings. The south end of campus does not have generators. However, generators’ primary purpose is for emergency lighting for people to safely exit a building in time of an emergency,” Kirker said. “In many buildings we also use them for providing power to heating systems to be able to keep buildings from freezing in the winter time in the event of a prolonged power outage. All our generators are tested regularly and then tested annually by the Nassau County Fire Marshal›s office,” Kirker added.
Communication about cancelled classes, early dismissals, and the like are able to be broadcasted on news stations throughout the Long Island area. Another great way of contacting students that many colleges, including LIU Post, use is by texting our cell phones pertinent notifications as they arise. WCWP, the campus radio station, is also great for staying in the know for any adjustments in class schedules or closings.
While the Facilities department is getting the campus prepared for winter, we students should be doing our part to prepare. We should be getting out our warmer winter clothing and snow gear and paying attention to the weather forecasts, either by computer or cell phones. Since most students either drive to campus or keep their cars on campus, caring for your vehicle is another factor of winter at Post. Students should check the overall soundness of their cars, make sure it has anti- freeze, and has good tires for traction on those snowy days. A handy tool to have in the trunk of your car is an ice scraper for the windshields.
For campus-wide school closings, a vital number to have in your phone contacts is 516-299-EMER(3637). Students can also check the LIU Post website or report to News 12 Long Island, CBS Channel 2, and NBC Channel 4 are the TV stations that will announce late openings or early dismissals. If you have any suggestions on how students or the staff can better prepare for this upcoming winter, let us know at
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