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Posts published by “postpioneer”

Events @ Post: December 1st to December 7th

December 1st General Education in the 21st Century Faculty Discussion Group Meetings:
”General Education in the 21st Century” (facilitated by Prof. E. Lichten) Hunt Room, Winnick House 12:30 – 1:30 PM   Department of Media Arts Lecture Alan Clary, Senior Producer MTV, and C.W. Post Alumnus   Humanities Room 027 12:45…

Student Note-Takers

Cecilie Nag Students with a learning disability might be assigned a note-taker as a substitute for their own work. The note-taker is identified by the professor in the class and is employed by the Academic Resource Program. Today, there are about 120 students taking advantage of the opportunity to have…

We’re Here & We’re Not Going Anywhere

Ashley Noble The Veterans Students United Club hosted its  “Women in the Military” program on Wednesday, November 9th, as part of the Veteran’s Appreciation Week. The goal of this event was to recognize women who have served or are serving in the military, to speak on the different roles women…

Federal Student Aid in Danger

Dorianna Valerio The Congressional Super Committee, which is composed of six Democrats and six Republicans, and was created by Congress to find a way to reduce the national debt, failed to come up with a plan to reduce the nation’s deficit over the next 10 years. Now, many programs, including…

Relationship Column: “That Couple”

Alex Parker A few decades ago, it was considered unfitting to publicly display the problems in your relationship. No one wanted to even admit that they were having any problems at all. It was all kept under wraps, a huge secret. Now, if you ask girls/guys about their relationships, they…

Political Column: Is Anyone Paying Attention?

Daniel Caccavale             By now, most people have heard about the Occupy movement sweeping our campus, state, the nation and the world. Nearly twenty movements have sprung up worldwide and are currently taking place. The movements are fighting for several things: government reform, worldwide democracy, job creation, and the sharing…

Crazed Twilight Fans

Geena McGuinness “Oh my gosh! Twilight!” millions of fans screamed as the doors opened at midnight on November 18th for part one of the saga’s finale, Breaking Dawn. Several people ordered tickets in advance when the box office began selling them last Tuesday. Dozens waited outside the Merrick Cinemas with…

What Do You Think of the Penn State Scandal?

Joseph La Rosa Penn State used to be thought of as a prestigious school with a good sports program and a pristine record when it came to allegations and scandals. Now, people think of Penn State as a disgrace to NCAA Division I football and a place where students have…

Ask Meg: Advice for all your daily dilemmas

Have a question that you’d like answered? Send them in to The Pioneer’s email at and get advice for all of your dilemmas.   Q: Part of my major requires me to complete an internship, but I don’t know where to start looking, or even WHEN I should be…