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Posts published in “Features”

The rise of RISE

By Kendall Shamus, Staff Writer RISE is one of Post’s most notable new groups making waves on campus. RISE’s mission statement states “RISE is an organization on campus aiming to support important causes that students believe in. Our main cause is sexual assault prevention, education and support for survivors at…

How students at Post celebrated Thanksgiving

By Amisha Temal, Features Editor The campus stayed festive this month with multiple clubs holding potlucks and Thanksgiving events. In modern times, Thanksgiving is celebrated with a less traditional attitude. The younger generations recognize that the feast originally celebrated the Colonial British settlers arriving in America, where later many Native…

Reactions to the Israel-Gaza Conflict across the world

By Amisha Temal, Features Editor Naturally, the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict has had a large ripple effect reaching communities internationally. The grief of all the thousands of lives lost is insurmountable. Generations of individuals will leave the year newly traumatized. Despite America funding, aiding and supporting Israel actively, Americans are greatly…

A Student Guide to Fall Self-Care

By Lauren Ritirato, Staff Writer The leaves have turned orange, red and yellow. The air is getting crisp and chilly. Now is the perfect time to put yourself first and try some fall self-care activities. With the temperature dropping and night falling earlier each day, it is important to take…

Student Activities Board

By Kendall Shamus, Staff Writer The Student Activities Board (SAB) is a committee of students on campus overseen by the Director of Campus Traditions and Promise Coach Allie Domingo. Students pay an activity fee each semester when paying tuition. This fee goes towards events such as Tradition Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday…

Hillel is back at Post

By Lauren Ritirato, Staff Writer LIU Hillel, formerly known as the Jewish Leadership Association, is a newly budding organization on campus. They define themselves as “The Center for Jewish Life at Long Island University.” This organization was created to provide a safe space for all Jews and people of any…