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Posts published in “Features”

How To: Organize Your Closet

Marisa Anziano I must preface this article by saying that I am a recent convert when it comes to the art of organizing one’s closet. One of my New Year’s resolutions this year…well, every year…is to stay organized and keep my room clean. As a full-time college student with two…

De-stress: Despite Having a Busy Schedule.

Freddie Schwartz Are you feeling like your running on fumes and you have more headaches as the semester goes on? What you need to do is to de-stress, but how can you do that without having to spend a fortune on a day at the spa or find some time…

Queer Corner:Sporty Ladies!

Phillip Degaltini This week’s column is dedicated to the ladies here at LIU Post who are members of the sports teams. They’re beautiful, powerful, and confident, but they have feelings just like everyone else. I was approached by some members of the LIU Post Softball team who asked me if…

The Commuter Column: Aggressive Driving

Kathleen Joyce Now I know I have admitted in the past about my “aggressive driving,” but I’ll let you in on a secret, I have some serious road rage at times. Driving to me is a gift, you studied for this test for almost a year, took the test maybe…

Ladies Eyes Only

Genna Apfel Growing up at an early age, you may have found yourself stealing your older sister or maybe even your mother’s makeup when playing dress up. This would result in smeared lipstick, pink rosy cheeks in one spot, and blotches of un-even makeup all over your skin. However, as…

What Motivates You To Be Single?

Genna Apfel Some of you may have just spent your weekend with your significant other and had a romantic evening. Or, maybe some of you may have spent your weekend with friends and went out to a great party. Well, if you’re reading this, the point I am trying to…

How To: Dress for Your Body Type

Marisa Anziano Just like snowflakes, each one of us is different and unique especially when it comes to our figures. This means that not all of the latest trends look good on all of us. Therefore, it is pertinent to understand how to dress your specific body shape. Easier said…

Commuter Column: Running on Empty

Kathleen Joyce As most of you know by now, most of my inspiration for these columns comes from recent experiences. I’m usually pretty good with keeping my gas tank full, this week I was driving in the snow and my car started to ding, letting me know that it needed…

Queer Corner: The Price of Being Queer

Philip Degaltini It has been argued by many that it is a choice to be queer. That one day someone wakes up and decides that they want to be attracted to the same sex, or that they are were born the wrong gender, or that they no longer want to…

The Unspoken Rules of the Dorm Etiquette

Cecilie Nag Living in dorms is not like living at home. Maybe you are used to walking around your house barely dressed and spending an hour in the shower twice a day. Perhaps you like listening to your music really loud or falling asleep with your TV on. But now…