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Posts published by “postpioneer”

NAACP Speed-Dating

Samantha McGarry On the night of February 16th, love was in the air in the Hillwood Café. NAACP held a speed-dating event for students who were looking for love or just a friendship. Before the speed-dating started, NAACP got nine tables together and scattered  chocolate candy and tea around each…

Tips for Following Your Passion

Dorianna Valerio The three panelists who spoke at the lecture hosted by LIU Post’s Women’s Institute provided three essential tips to succeed: Invest in yourself, become a lifelong learner and respect the power of the dollar. The lecture, entitled “Follow Your Passion: Reinvent Yourself and Your Identity,” was held in…

LIU Post Film Major Receives Black American Achievement Award

Daniel Caccavale On Thursday, February 17th, junior Film major Dontae Hawkins received the 2012 Black American Achievement Award from Staten Island Borough President James Molinaro. Hawkins was given the award “in recognition of your determination and perseverance in overcoming obstacles in your life and becoming the outstanding young man you…

NY Post Reporter Lecture

Adrianna Alvarez Pulitzer Prize winner, LIU Post alumnus and reporter at the New York Post Josh Margolin gave a lecture as a part of the Media Arts Department’s Food for Thought Lecture Series on Thursday, February 16th, during the Common Hour.  He discussed his journeys as a journalist and the…

Political Column: The Debate About Debates

Daniel Caccavale Before every major election, the candidates spend countless hours preparing for debates. Candidates use these debates to show that their ideas are better than their competitors’ to show that they deserve your vote. But what do these debates really do? Are they even worth having? The answer is…

Relationship Column: Uncomfortable Ex’s

Alex Parker No one likes their significant other’s ex hanging around. Why would you? It’s sort of awkward. However, sometimes there is no way around it. They hang out in the same group of friends that you and your boyfriend/girlfriend do (that’s why dating within your immediate circle of friends…

Surviving the study week

Yana Nadelyaeva Monday morning, it’s 7 a.m. and the alarm is ringing. The only thing which prevents my alarm clock from being thrown into a wall is the fact that it’s my cell phone. With an improbable effort, I push myself out of warm and cozy bed to start a…

Did Pop Idols Destroy Us?

Kathleen Joyce I was lucky, or unlucky, enough to grow up in a time where female pop stars ruled the world, in fact  pop music ruled the world. Between Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, and the Spice Girls, there were so many to choose from. I was more of…

How is Starbucks Doing Now?

Daniel Caccavale Before the start of last semester, Hillwood Commons upgraded some of its food service centers. One of the major changes was the addition of the new Starbucks. By now everyone has noticed it and many get their daily cup of coffee right here on campus. When people heard…

Winter Isn’t Over Yet

Cecilie Nag  Last year’s winter season in New York featured plenty of snow and crowded ski-areas. In the event that we see snow in March, for snowboard and ski enthusiasts at LIU Post, the ski areas are a little further away than just a walk out the door. However, various…