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Posts published in “Features”

Ab Workout of the Day

Are you tired of using the same old machines and attending the same body conditioning classes at the Pratt Center? Maybe the idea of playing in the racquetball courts, the indoor jogging track and the total-body workouts seem tiring to you. There are other workouts that are just as fun…

Internships: When and How?

In our current economy, finding a job comes down to one thing: it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. I am sure many of you have heard this saying before and it is very disconcerting. However, there are things you can do to enhance your chances of getting…

The Hermandad on Campus

They call one another hermanas.  There are nine of them.  Each one has a different ethnicity, which includes Irish, African American, Puerto Rican, German and a few others.  Who are these “hermanas”?  They are the nine women members of the sorority Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. This is…

Walking it Off

Did you know that you don’t have to sacrifice your fitness plan just because you can’t make it to the Pratt Center?  Well the Pioneer heard your concerns and researched how you can stay in shape just by walking to class. You may be surprised to learn that brisk walking can be almost as challenging as jogging. Studies show that race-runners get just as good of a workout as walkers.

Fight the Fatigue

As the cold weather sets in and our work load builds up, college students tend to take on the winter blues –the time of year where we get sluggish, experience a loss of energy, a sense of fatigue, and absolutely no desire to work more than we need to. Right? We are finally done with midterms and professors have already started discussing dates for the final –students can’t help but question whether we are ever going to get a break. With the Thanksgiving holiday around the corner, we anticipate a time of complete relaxation until we learn that papers and presentations are due the days before and after it. Life for us college students can be hard and it can be stressful –if only there were an application on our “smart phones” to get us through the day. The days become shorter and it seems like there is just not enough time to get everything done. We are so mentally exhausted from the workload, we become physically unable to function. For those of us who can’t squeeze in a twenty-minute power-nap between classes, what is there to do that will give us energy to keep going?

Your Future Can Start Here

Sororities and fraternities are a great way to make friends on campus.  There are four sororities and two fraternities on campus plus cultural sororities and fraternities. There is sure to be one that peaks your interest. This week we’re featuring CW Post’s own sorority Alpha Epsilon Phi.

“I’ve Lost the Weight of my Bulldog”

C.W. Post’s Senior Assistant Director of Student Life has successfully completed his first round of P90X, and he’s ready for more. Eric Zirlinger, 30, began the fitness program five months ago. He has since lost 50 pounds and gone from a 33” to a 28” waistline. “I feel… glorious,” Zirlinger said with a smile. “I’ve lost the weight of my bulldog.”

The P90X fitness program is a 90-day program that is designed to get its users “ripped” in 90 days. It consists of working out six days a week, and parallels a nutrition plan.

Organic vs. Non-Organic

In one hand, you’re holding a conventionally grown granny smith apple. In your other hand, you have one that’s labeled organically grown. Both apples are firm, shiny and green. Both provide vitamins and fiber, and both are free of fat, sodium and cholesterol. This scenario, provided by the, leaves us with the questioning which one to actually choose. However before making this decision, it is important to become educated on what the word “organic” even means and why it is beneficial. There are several distinctions between the organic and non-organic growing process. The conventional way of farming consists of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, chemical herbicides, as well as hormone and antibiotics given to animals.  On the other hand, organic farming consists of natural fertilizers, insect traps, rotating and mulching crops, and organic feed for animals. Just the sounds of these words gives us a good idea of which products and techniques are harmful and which ones are natural and safe.

10 Reasons to Join The Pioneer

Photo by Kayla Krause

Here at The Pioneer we’re always looking for new contributors. So here is a list of reasons why you should join your student newspaper!  Drum roll please…

Do It For You – Week Six

Photo by Kathleen Crowley

Change can be a frightening thing. Whether it is good or bad change, it is extremely hard to alter our normal behavior. It is especially quite challenging when it comes to making changes in our everyday eating and working out regimes. Many of us feel as though it’s impossible– “it’s too hard, it doesn’t work, there’s not enough time, I JUST CAN’T DO IT!” The excuses are endless. Although it may sound cliche, anything is possible, but like stated in the previous issue, nothing works over night.  Everything takes time. Slow change is change that is more realistic and surprisingly gratifying. Rushing to loose ten pounds in two weeks creates unrealistic goals and irritating failures. It is all about changing your lifestyle in incremental and realistic steps that become embedded in your everyday life on a daily basis.