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Posts published in “Features”

Let’s Talk About Sex

Photo by Kayla Krause

“Well my boyfriend and I, when we do have the opportunity to have sex, pick at least three new positions to try,” Michelle, a senior at C.W. Post, said. She was part of a group of friends seated in Hillwood during common hour who, in addition to eating, were all looking at a relatively new iPhone application that illustrates different sexual positions. It’s called ‘kalm sutra’ and is a hit with college students.

It’s Not All Toga Parties and Booze

Greek life has had a long withstanding reputation of being just a bunch of people getting together to party. Movies like Old School and Animal House portray perfect examples of the stereotype society has on Greek life. However, Greek life is not about the boozing and partying, it’s about philanthropy, trust, sisterhood/brotherhood, and growing up.

Quick Midterm Election Update: CW Post, The Disengaged Student Body

Less than a week until New York State elections, the race for the state governor’s seat has become very heated. The normal issues of taxation and the states budget have come under debate but issues such as gay rights have dominated much of the candidates smear campaigns.  The midterm elections across the nation have become very important for the Democrats, as they struggle to stay in power at all levels of government.

Teacher Profile – Sandra Mardenfeld

“I always knew I’d study journalism. I worked on all types of publications throughout my childhood,” said Sandra Mardenfeld, Head of the Journalism Department.  She continued with her passion for writing earning a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism at Buffalo State College and eventually her Master’s in Magazine Journalism from New York University.

Fuel the Brain, Healthily

Now that it is midterm week, one of the scariest/stressful times of the semester, we are constantly looking for ways to stay awake and energized through our long hours in the library and sleepless nights studying. Before hitting the books, we usually think to pick up a few snacks to keep us going, right? Most of us even go for snacks we usually would avoid (Snickers, Hagen Daz, Twizzlers), convincing ourselves it is the calories that give us brainpower –“I don’t even care, I need it to study!” Unfortunately, junk food will only supply a quick fix of energy then cause an immediate crash –forcing us only to crave more.

A College Degree or a Dazzling Ring

In the movie Mona Lisa Smile, a story about college women, the character Joan Bandwyn, played by Julia Stiles, is facing a dilemma. She’s graduating and she must choose between Yale law school and marriage. She chooses marriage. This movie is set in the 1950’s when the average age for marriage was 20 for a woman and 22 for a man.

Saget Steals Homecoming

By Mike Natale “No, Billy. Stop f***ing that goat! You stop it!” Yes, some comedians can’t handle a heckler. Others can. Bob Saget, however, not only handles them but brutally destroys them from the comfort of his mic stand. Mr. Saget responded to a Post student, an accounting major named…

Backstage with Bob

By Samantha Bishal, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Kayla Krause “That’s my ‘c’ word.”  Now you stop that, he meant celebrity.  We all know what you were thinking, but the real Bob Saget is a pioneer (no pun intended) in Hollywood, who has emerged from sitcom to Broadway to absolute stardom.  Throughout his…

You’re of Legal Age: Voice Your Vote

By Kathleen Crowley Senator Kemp Hannon is urging all college students to exercise their right to vote this year in the mid-term elections –encouraging all to vote for the candidate who best represents their beliefs, whatever party that may be. Here is the critical information you should know: On November…

At Home Away From Stockholm

By Kayla Krause      It was 3:20, ten minutes before one of the last classes of the day.  There was a group of Swedish students sitting together in their Public Relations class.  They were discussing, in their native tongue, their summer vacations in a very bubbly, happy manner when someone unexpected…