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Posts published in “Arts and Entertainment”

The Show Must Go On This Semester

By Violet Taber, Co-Arts-and-Entertainment Editor With classes underway for the 2021-2022 school year, this semester is already drastically different from what students involved in Post’s theatre community have experienced throughout the past year. In order to ensure student’s safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, live performances haven’t been able to take…

The Return Of Broadway

By Violet Taber, Co-Arts-and-Entertainment Editor Broadway is often considered the pinnacle of theatre for spectators and actors alike; the shows have the biggest budgets, play in the largest venues and cast bigger talent than any other theatre district in a U.S. city. However, it’s not spectacle and scale that make…

Is Addison Rae Taking Over The Big Screen?

By Shelley Dean, Co-Arts-and-Entertainment Editor Addison Rae has officially made her big screen debut in the Netflix movie “He’s All That.” The 20-year-old media personality gained a following on the social media app Tiktok over the pandemic, recently reaching 84 million followers. Rae is the second most followed creator on…

LIU Alum Nominated for Fashion Award

By  Jillian Mehta, Arts and Entertainment Editor Post-alum and self-taught fashion designer Melissa Mercedes has been nominated for the Cultivate award which supports the next generation of BIPOC indie designers in the plus-size fashion community. Mercedes has had a love for fashion since a young age and remembers sharing sketches…

New Radio Show Joins the Wave

By Jillian Mehta, Arts & Entertainment Editor “The Shiver”  is a new alternative indie radio show hosted by sophomore art education major Jane Montalto and sophomore English education major Tori Monteleone.  The co-hosts share a love for alternative music and love the chance to share it with listeners.  “We call…

Social Media Drama Involving Prominent People in the Sports World

By Derrick Edafe, Staff Writer Nets player Kevin Durant recently has gotten into a controversy on social media with actor and comedian Micheal Rapaport.  Rapaport took to social media to share screenshots of a private conversation had between the two via direct messages. The conversation revolved around a tweet Rappaport…