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Posts published in “Opinions”

Living on Campus vs. Being a Commuter

Cecilie Nag You wake up past 9 a.m. and realize your class starts in 20 minutes. If you live on campus, you can get dressed and arrive to class in time. But if you are a commuter there are a couple of other factors to take into account. So, what…

Relationship Column: The Friend Zone

  Alex Parker The friend zone has been a topic used by many writers; however, I feel it is worth addressing again. I think that some other writers have done you gentlemen a great disservice by making you think that there are a few simple steps to get yourselves out…

Political Column: Can The Government Be Hacked?

Daniel Caccavale On Friday, March 2, NASA admitted that its computer system was fully hacked in 2011, according to an article published on March 2 by BBC News entitled “Hackers had ‘full functional control’ of NASA computers.”  One would think that NASA, one of the most technologically advanced agencies in…

Looking For Some Part Time Work?

Kathleen Joyce Congratulations! You’re in college, you’re getting decent grades, and you even have a few good friends already. You want to go out and have some fun, but mom and dad are already taking out loans for your college tuition, so do you really think they’re going to give…

Political Column: The Debate About Debates

Daniel Caccavale Before every major election, the candidates spend countless hours preparing for debates. Candidates use these debates to show that their ideas are better than their competitors’ to show that they deserve your vote. But what do these debates really do? Are they even worth having? The answer is…

Relationship Column: Uncomfortable Ex’s

Alex Parker No one likes their significant other’s ex hanging around. Why would you? It’s sort of awkward. However, sometimes there is no way around it. They hang out in the same group of friends that you and your boyfriend/girlfriend do (that’s why dating within your immediate circle of friends…

Surviving the study week

Yana Nadelyaeva Monday morning, it’s 7 a.m. and the alarm is ringing. The only thing which prevents my alarm clock from being thrown into a wall is the fact that it’s my cell phone. With an improbable effort, I push myself out of warm and cozy bed to start a…

Did Pop Idols Destroy Us?

Kathleen Joyce I was lucky, or unlucky, enough to grow up in a time where female pop stars ruled the world, in fact  pop music ruled the world. Between Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, and the Spice Girls, there were so many to choose from. I was more of…

How is Starbucks Doing Now?

Daniel Caccavale Before the start of last semester, Hillwood Commons upgraded some of its food service centers. One of the major changes was the addition of the new Starbucks. By now everyone has noticed it and many get their daily cup of coffee right here on campus. When people heard…

Relationship Column: Valentine’s Day

Alex Parker We meet again Valentine’s Day. At least it’s a reliable holiday; it comes the same day every year so you have time to prepare yourself. I’ve found that there is no gray area around the feelings towards this day, you either love it or you hate it. If…