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Posts published in “_Front Page”

Long Island Struggles to Flatten Its Curve

By Sophia Strauss, Staff Writer As COVID-19 cases accumulate in New York, it’s evident that residents may be disregarding orders to social-distance, making the state an epicenter within the United States. Although the number of new cases in Manhattan has recently plateaued, cases on Long Island still continue to grow.…

Homeless Not Forgotten During Pandemic

By Jade Leah Burns, Student Writer Love Beyond Walls is a movement becoming more popular by the day. Terence Lester, the organization’s founder, started a new campaign in which he is placing portable sinks around Atlanta so the homeless can also fight the COVID-19 virus. Lester and his organization were…

Zoom Challenges the Arts

By Sophia Strauss, Staff Writer Due to the growing safety concerns regarding the new coronavirus, colleges all over the world were forced to take on the task of transferring in-person classes to online instruction, creating plenty of issues for students and faculty alike. All majors are affected by this change;…